Seriously, We Live in a Very Funny World . haha

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

Why does glue doesn’t stick to its bottle?

Why do you still call it a building when its already built?

If its true that we are here to help others, what are others here for?

If you aren’t suppose to drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?

We are a funny bunch of people. Living in a seriously funny world.


amir said...

why we ask to shut up when we have mouth to speak..hehe...

Sufina said...

wahh... betul laa.
lagi lagi?

amir said...

hmm, what more eh..why we close our eyes, when we have it to look..

Sufina said...

ade satu!
why they make TEXTBOOKS when students really hate it.

amir said...

haa, ni lg satu..why do we have homework when we do work at school...